The Buchanan Ad Campaign

Buchanan's ad team, Ian and Betsy Weinschel, engaged in a "guerrilla media warfare" campaign.  From their 150-acre farm in Mt. Airy, MD the two popped 30-second spots into New Hampshire.  The ads urged the people of New Hampshire to "send Bush a message" and forced the President to respond.  The most effective of these ads jabbed Bush with his own words, "Read my lips."  This same premise was used by the Clinton campaign in the fall, also to great effect.

After New Hampshire, however, the focus of the spots changed.  The press and some in the campaign argued that Buchanan needed to talk issues.  The campaign assumed more control and told the Weinschels to make spots about specific topics they designated.  Thus arose the controversial NEA spot "Freedom Abused."

Buchanan television and radio spots ran in at least eight states--New Hampshire, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Michigan and Massachusetts.  However, by the California primary, the campaign did not have enough money for a major media buy.

Selected Buchanan spots, produced by Ian and Betsy Weinschel:

"Protect"  >
"Broken Promises"
"America First"
"Legacy" >
"They Don't Care"  >
NH half-hour spot
"Pay to Pray-Rev." (Georgia)  >
"Freedom Abused-Rev." (Georgia) 
"I Won't Sign" (Southern states)
Foreign Agents-Rev." (Michigan)